Faster and Cheaper Internet

Faster and Cheaper Internet
Mahal ang internet sa PHL

Monday, October 5, 2015

Clarifying Internet Peering

Faster internet for progress
October 5, 2015

Internet Peering diagram

Internet Peering bypasses Internet Transit
    Thus we can see that peering involves no $PHP fees.  Only these are charged at transit provider. So we can imagine one of the parties is G and the other is P.  However, all traffic now flows through the transit provider which in this case is P.  Thus fees are always paid when there is an interchange of traffic and slower

There is a lot of  talk on peering for internet. Here is a link that will help us clarify our terms and understanding of internet peering

Definition of Internet Peering

Some of the key points on internet peering:

1.  There is no substitute for transit exchanges (the main nodes)

2.  Internet peering is settlement free.  Thus two exchanges will not pay one another because they just exchange use of facilities.    Thus if PLDT and Globe goes on peering, neither pays each other fees.  These leads to lower cost. PLDT thus would object to this because it means loss of revenues.  Thus all the smokescreen by spokesmen and the head of the dominant Telco, is about protection of revenues 

It is all about making more money and about supporting the nation and its citizens.  Quo vadis telcos?

So as it is there is no direct traffic between Globe and PLDT.  All traffic goes to the intl gateway adding to costs and time, and thus slower speed

3.  It is not a transitive relationship

Reasons for peering

1.  Costs reduced (because there is no cost payment between two exchanges eg between Globe and PLDT

2.  Revenues are increased because of faster access and more access

3.  Routing can be made strategic;   local traffic can be only routed direct, and intl traffic can be through an exchange.  Private exchanges purely dedicated to internet traffic are the norm in other countries

4.  Customer experience is enhanced

Peering from Wiki

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